Our Results

“A” Letter Grade School

Edison School of Innovation has been recognized for its excellence in education. In 2021-2022, the school received an "A" letter grade from the Arizona Department of Education. This is the highest possible rating, and demonstrates our commitment to providing students with a high-quality education.

School letter grades can be viewed on Arizona Department of Education’s “School Report Card” webpage.

Comparison within a 5-mile Radius of Edison School | 2021-2022*

• Out of 56 Public K-8 schools in the area, Edison School ranked in the 91st percentile.
• Edison School is the top performing charter K-8 school within a 4.7 mile radius.
• Edison School is one of 8 Public K-8 schools in the 5-mile radius to receive an “A” letter grade.
• Edison School is the only K-8 charter school in the 5-mile radius to receive an “A” letter grade.

*Performance was measured based on the combined average % passing for ELA and Math.