Safe & Secure School

At Edison School of Innovation, serving students from Kindergarten through 8th grade, safety and security are extremely important. As a tuition-free public school in Glendale, AZ, we take pride in our proactive approach to safeguarding every child within our care. Our commitment to student safety is evident in our day-to-day operations and the protocols we've established to maintain a secure learning environment.

Two Edison students are sitting at a table with their arms around one another. Behind them is a bulletin board that says, “BEE Respectful, BEE Safe, BEE Responsible.”

As we prepare for each school day, we focus on implementing common-sense safety measures that prioritize the well-being of our students. From the moment they step onto our campus, they are greeted with the assurance of a secure environment. Our move into a purpose-built facility, tailored specifically for Edison School of Innovation, reflects our dedication to creating a space where safety is ingrained in every corner.

  • Secure perimeter fencing surrounding the campus.

  • Strategically placed security cameras providing constant surveillance.

  • Access Control - all doors are equipped with auto-locking features to prevent unauthorized access.

  • On-campus safety officer providing immediate response and oversight.

  • Ongoing safety training and drills for all staff members..

Beyond these physical measures, our staff is trained to respond swiftly and effectively to any situation that may arise. We prioritize ongoing safety training and drills to ensure everyone in our school community is prepared for any event. Moreover, our commitment to fostering an inclusive atmosphere extends to promoting empathy, respect, and kindness, further enhancing our safety culture.

At Edison School of Innovation, the safety and well-being of our students are at the forefront of everything we do. With meticulous planning, common-sense safety measures, and a proactive approach to security protocols, we ensure that every child feels safe, supported, and cared for each day they spend with us. From our secure campus to our dedicated staff, every aspect of Edison is designed to provide a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Enroll your child today at Edison School of Innovation and join us in creating a community where safety, learning, and growth go hand in hand. Together, we'll continue to inspire tomorrow's leaders in an environment that prioritizes their safety and success.

About Edison School of Innovation

Located in Glendale, AZ, Edison School of Innovation serves students in grades K-8. We cultivate an inclusive learning environment, embracing diversity and providing individualized support to help every student thrive. Our project-based learning approach encourages students to explore and connect various disciplines, fostering creative and courageous problem-solving skills. We prioritize collaboration and community engagement, ensuring teachers, parents, and students have a voice in their education. Join our innovative community and enroll your child in an extraordinary education.


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